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Current investigations

Current investigations

We publish a list of our current investigations. The list is updated early in each month.

Download list of investigations as at 31 August 2022 - .pdf format

Download list of investigations as at 31 August 2022 - .csv format

The list sets out the stage the case is at: including whether it's newly received; under investigation; or whether a decision has been drafted and is waiting for approval.

You can search the above documents using the search tool in your internet browser or PDF reader - for example you may want to check the details of a specific case, look for investigations relating to a particular topic/keyword, or see all cases involving a particular public authority.

We are a small team, but we deal with cases as quickly as we can. Investigations can vary in subject matter and complexity - some may therefore be handled more quickly than others.

We keep applicants and authorities up-to-date during each investigation. Once a case is closed (either settled or with a decision notice issued), it will no longer appear on the list.

The Commissioner publishes decisions around a week after issue in our decisions database.